Real Neat Blog Award!

tmp_17024-real-neat-blog-award-from-horty-rexarch-4-dec-2014543447101Well, I’m ecstatic! It has been 2 months since launching Puglian Pleasures, and I have been nominated for the ‘Real Neat Blog Award ‘.

A big thanks goes to Kiwi Girl Attempting Italian for nominating me for this award!

I love reading about her adventures in Italy and at the same time, she’s ticking off those ’30 things to do before turning 30!’

Now the rules for this award are as follows:

1. Put the Award Logo in your post
2. Answer 7 questions by the person who nominated you.
3. Thank the people who nominated you by linking to their blog
4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs
5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc)

Now I’m going to answer the 7 questions that Kiwi Girl Attempting Italian wanted me to answer:

1. What inspires you to create/write your blog?
That’s an easy one for me! This beautiful region of Puglia, Italy! There are so many inspiring and alluring aspects of this region that I just have to share them with you!

2. Are you a realist or a dreamer?
I would say a realist. We all have our dreams but I can certainly separate the two.

3. Which country would you move to straight away if given the opportunity to live anywhere in the world?
Well I made a decision to move to Italy, and I haven’t regretted a single day. I love it! My second choice would be South Beach, Miami.

4. What do you think is the greatest hurdle of blogging?
For me the greatest hurdle is researching a topic for my blog, invariably the information is in Italian, and after 4 years here, I’m still getting to grips with the lingo!

5. Who would you love to be for a day and why?
Um, this is a tricky one…. There isn’t a particular person I’d like to be but I would like to be transported back in time, perhaps to the swinging sixties, just to rock n roll the nights away!

6. What is your favourite past time activity?
I’d say sport: running, cycling, swimming and when I lived in America, rollerblading, I just loved it! Although it’s a bit difficult here, there are more pot holes than tarmac on the roads!

7. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Perhaps Jamie Oliver because he’s such an inspirational person to many British people. He’s passionate about eating fresh, local produce and minimising waste. I would love to spend a day in his kitchen, wazzin’ up some tasty dishes with him!

Now, I would like to nominate the following blogs for this award:

Shooting Venice and Berlin
Another Day in Paradise
Kiwi Girl Attempting Italian (back at ya!)
Ray Ferrers – Emotions on Canvas
For Blogs Sake
Green Puglia – Wine, Food & Tours of Puglia
Don Charisma
Veni Vidi Vino

My 7 questions for my nominees are:

1. Where would you like to visit, that you haven’t had the opportunity to go to yet? Why?
2. What is your favourite cuisine?
3. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
4. Did you make a New Years Resolution? If so, what was it and have you stuck to it?
5. If you were stuck on a desert island, what would be the one luxury item you would have to take with you?
6. If you could change one aspect of your life, what would that be? Why?
7. Who is your idol? Why?

Happy Blogging!

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